What can I do about COVID-19?
My name is Gordon Doig and I am an epidemiologist who has worked in critical care for more than 20 years. I live in Sydney, NSW, Australia. Like you, I have tried to keep up to date on the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) that started in Wuhan, China. Because I don't see a lot of truly useful information coming from the mainstream media, I have been going directly to credible sources like the World Health Organisation. The purpose of this page is to describe in plain language what the WHO recommends and to provide links to WHO content so you can understand exactly what they are saying.
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Food Safety and Shopping
There is no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from properly prepared food of animal origin:
Note: If using bleach for surface disinfection, make sure it is a 0.1% (1,000ppm) solution. Household laundry bleach is usually 5 to 6% strength. To dilute laundry bleach to make it safe for household surface disinfection, add 2ml of bleach to 98ml of clean water. Wear gloves and use caution when handling bleach.
When shopping for food, it is important to follow measures put in place by your local market or supermarket:
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